Therapeutic Boarding School Benefits


It is clear that if a student is suffering from emotional or behavioral problems, then they should attend a therapeutic boarding school. Therapeutic boarding schools clearly offer something more (a strong therapeutic component) than a traditional boarding school. However, it is also clear that there are advantages to a boarding school education. Although not directly germane to therapeutic boarding schools, the Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) reports that boarding school students are more satisfied with their academic experience than their peers who attended a public school or a private day school. Students who attend boarding school find their coursework more challenging, and have more confidence in the quality of their teachers than students who attend school from eight to three o’clock. Boarding school students show noticeable increases in maturity, self-discipline, independence, and critical-thinking life skills.

Students who attend boarding school:

Report Being Around More Motivated Peers
Study Longer And State That They Are Very Well Prepared For College

Boarding Schools Offer a 24/7 Learning Experience Where Learning Never Stop

State That Their School Offers Opportunities For Leadership Opportunities
Achieve Positions In Top Management By Mid-career More Often Than Their Day Schooled Counterparts
Usually Perform Better Academically Because They Live In An Environment That Is Conducive To Learning

Development and Growth

Boarding school alumni often report that the years they spent in boarding school are the central reference point in their life. Alumni tend to consider their years at boarding school as more formative and critical to their personal development than the time they spent in college or graduate school. Boarding school students explore athletic, creative, and leadership-building activities every day. They learn a strong work ethic and develop the focus that they need for lifelong success. Boarding school students learn to take care of themselves (independence), as well as to take care of others (community). They learn the importance of community service. In short, they learn lessons that will resonate throughout their lives.

Lifelong Benefits

The skills students learn at boarding school help them in college and beyond. The overwhelming majority of graduates from boarding schools report that if they were given the choice to attend boarding school or to attend a day school, they would gladly repeat their boarding school experience because of the superb and dynamic learning experience they encountered.

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